Aspire Project
BiGAUSTIN Aspire Project
ASPIRE IS a diverse, mixed-income development that creates an environment where all residents can thrive. This project empowers individuals and families by providing access to opportunities that improve their economic well-being. Through initiatives such as entrepreneurship and job-skills training, access to affordable housing, and community-building programs, ASPIRE IS helps residents achieve their full potential and contribute positively to the community.
BiGAUSTIN Announces Partnership with Banc of America Community Development Company
Austin, Texas August 3, 2022-Businesses Invest in Growth (BiGAUSTIN) and Banc of America Community Development Company, LLC announced today Banc of America Community Development Company, LLC (BACDC) is investing in an equity joint venture to build its Social and Economic Impact headquarters and its first affordable housing project in Austin and Central Texas. BACDC's investment will have a significant impact on BIGAUSTIN's ability to continue to support small businesses and jobseekers while helping in its endeavor to build affordable housing.
Our Goals
Resident Goals
Residents feel comfortable and safe at home, work, and play; will be empowered to improve business and job skills; to believe and be inspired to live and work in ways they have only dreamed of.
Community Goals
Empower the community by reflecting the local culture in the design through a shared design process. Retail /Office space to showcase local, small, and minority businesses; partnering with schools after school programs, community gathering space, access to healthy foods, and a community garden.
Organizational Goals
One-stop-shop for economic empowerment, self- sustainability, and housing. Supporting local post- pandemic revitalization, including the most innovative technologies for comfortable and safe living, advanced economic resiliency, a trained workforce, and an innovative entrepreneurial community.
"In partnering with BIGAUSTIN, Banc of America Community Development Company can make an immediate and lasting impact in the community by directly supporting disproportionately impacted areas at scale," said Brian Heide, Bank of America Senior Vice President and BACDC Executive. "We are excited to be part of the development of BIGAUSTIN's Economic and Social Impact Resource Center, and we are looking forward to working with BIGAUSTIN and its partners to create new, high quality, affordable housing. This investment and our partnership exemplifies BACDC's and Bank of America's commitment to the Austin community."
Brian Heide, Bank of American Senior Vice President and BACDC Execuitve
ASPIRE will be a unique community-based business model, seamlessly aligned with the community and social impact goals and values of all parties involved, and we are thrilled to partner with such prominent and successful industry leaders and advocates," said Stacy Rhone, CEO of BIGAUSTIN/BIG Opp Zone. "As BIGAUSTIN expands its offerings in Northeast Austin and the Trauis County region, our team will continue to pursue meaningful opportunities to support entrepreneurs and job seekers in those Central Texas areas with the fewest resources and housing options.
Stacy Rhone | CEO/Executive Director of BIGAUSTIN